There are various categories of visa available under general skilled migration.
To be eligible to apply for these visa you require to meet the following criteria: (please note the following are general guidelines only, there are some other requirements may apply to your individual situation and the type of visa)
Expression of Interest (EOI) and Invitation to apply:
In order to be eligible to apply the applicant must send the expression of interest via skillselect to DIBP and must received a letter of invitation to apply from the department to apply for the visa.
Skill Occupation List and Skill Assessment : your qualification must be from the skill occupation list and it must be assessed by the relevant assessing authority
English requirement: Generally, you must have at least competent English or the level of English that may require by your skill assessing authority. This varies from skill to skill and the your qualifications.
Age: you must be of less than 50 years of age to apply most of the general skilled visa
Nominated by Family, State or Territory: You may be eligible apply for visa if you are nominated by Australian State or Territory and under the specific skills and have positive skill assessment.
Nominated by Sponsor for Temporary work :There are various type of visa available under general skilled migration and can be classified into two main category (Please note that the following are the list of some of the common visas, please contact us to see you are eligible)
1. Skill independent (visa class 189): This visa class is for the applicant who does not have any sponsor. To be eligible you must receive positive skill assessment, be of less than 50 year of age, have English skills and received an invitation to apply for this visa.
2. Skilled Sponsored and Nominated: There are number of visas available under this category. This visas are available for the applicant who are sponsored by the State or Territory, Employers or by Their Family relatives. Different eligibility criteria apply to each visa subclass. They can be classified mainly as :
a) Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489)
b) Skilled Regional visa (subclass 887)
c) Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)
d) Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186)
e) Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa (subclass 187)
f) Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457)
Contact us or send us your resume for your online assessment or call us to book an appointment ..